
Funeral Home Cremations Girard, PA

10-Step Process for Funeral and Cremation Planning in Girard, PA


When you choose Brugger Funeral Homes & Crematory, LLP, you will have the chance to tap into the 10-step planning process that we offer. Our team has been serving the community since 1894. Over the years, we’ve identified the best solutions to ensure quality results. This planning process means that you can expect peace of mind when it is time for funeral and cremation services in Girard, PA.


Many difficult decisions need to be faced when you are designing the end of life services. Our team is here to provide the highest quality of care and assistance, helping to reduce your stress and burden. We respect your wishes and strive to meet all needs relating to death services and funeral coordination.


Process for Funeral and Cremation Planning in Girard, PA


At Brugger Funeral Homes & Crematory, LLP, we’ve found that a good funeral planning system is the only way to guarantee results for every family. We’ve systematized this process while offering flexibility for custom requests. As a result, every family can have the peace of mind in knowing that they are receiving the exclusive Cremation with Confidence Guarantee.


Offering this guarantee is our way of promising quality services and efficacy of the cremation. Your loved one will never leave the care of our team! We own the only crematory in the local area, which means that there is no need for your loved one to be sent to another company for the cremation services. These facilities allow us to safeguard identity, maintain proper checks and balances, and use our unique tracking system to return the accurate remains to your family.


In addition to quality results for cremation, we also have the experience and expertise to help with all other funeral services that might be required. We can assist with graveside gatherings, burial, memorials, viewings, and more.


Designing the Right Plan for Cremation


As you are selecting the services with cremation, it is important to consider the desires and needs of your family. Here is a quick overview of the common cremation packages that are selected:


  • Direct Cremation: These direct services allow you to choose cremation without any other unnecessary funeral services. You aren’t required to hold a funeral with the cremation. If you are looking for the most affordable solution, then direct cremation might be the right answer.

  • Burial Services: Where would you like your loved one to be laid to rest? Many families find comfort in having a gravesite to visit after death. We can coordinate the services required for burial if desired. You can choose the cemetery and burial plot.

  • Cremation Services Including Cremations with Viewing: A viewing is a time when you can see your loved one for the last time. Many people find it comforting to find closure during the viewing. If desired, this viewing can be held in our funeral home before the cremation is scheduled.

  • Cremation Followed by a Memorial Service: Would you like to celebrate the person’s life after the cremation is finished? Talk to us about setting a time to hold funeral services. This event can be similar to a funeral, with the difference being that the body is not present in a casket. Or, design a celebratory event to honor the memories and experiences that were shared over the years.

  • Cremation Followed by a Graveside Service: Another option is to schedule a gathering at the graveside after the cremation. If you are going to bury the ashes in the family plot, then a graveside service can be a great time to meet with your loved ones.


The most important thing that you can do is design funeral and cremation services to match the desires and needs of your family. You need to honor the wishes of the deceased. At the same time, you also need to create an event that provides healing and grief support for the survivors. We are here to help with anything you desire for funeral and cremation services in Girard, PA.


Information about Services for Your Loved One


At Brugger Funeral Homes & Crematory, LLP, we are striving to help your family feel the support that is available for funeral planning. You will find great information on our website, including an online planning tool that can be used when you are ready to get started. Feel free to call our team any time. We’re on call 24/7 to accommodate your needs and requests.


We promise quality results and a memorable experience for funeral and cremation services in Girard, PA. If you are ready to work with the leading team in the area, then you need to contact us at Brugger Funeral Homes & Crematory, LLP. We have several funeral homes, including the nearest location at 1595 W 38th St., Erie, PA 16508. Call to set an appointment with a funeral director: (814) 864-4864


Client Testimonials



Brugger Funeral Homes & Crematory, LLP - Pine Avenue Branch
Phone: (814) 825-2500
845 E 38th St, Erie, PA 16504
Austin J. Brugger - Supervisor


Partners: Leo J. Brugger, III, Garett J. Brugger, Austin J. Brugger, and Carl R. Brugger

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